
For all those choosing The Doula Path & finding your place in the circle of creation, we’re glad you’re here! Your arrival heralds the emergence of a long awaited promise

Unlock the knowing that requires no telling and enter a safe space to be seen, heard, & met.

Doula Thrive was created to amplify and uplift your sacred calling. Here you will discover the inner alchemy & healing possible as you embark upon a unique Mentorship Journey with the opportunity to receive your Birth & Postpartum Doula Certification along the way. 

Reclaim the ancient secrets and sacred mysteries of creation withheld by the medical establishment.

For 13 moons, you will be empowered through education, mentorship, & the support of a global community. You will be guided to explore what it truly means to expand and thrive professionally while co-creating healing containers for families experiencing the miraculous, transformative childbearing years.

Resurrect your heart and soul’s deepest purpose.

Here “I” becomes “We”, our shared humanity meets our divinity, and spirit meets science. As guardians of this gateway we'll share our collective wisdom and open ourselves to remember the birthkeepers we are.

Explore The Doula Path With Us!

Introducing Spiral 3

The full Doula Thrive journey is experienced over the course of 3 Spirals, spanning 3 years.

While many of our students choose to begin their journey here (with Spiral 1), we invite

Seasoned Doulas & Global Birthkeepers

seeking to push the boundaries & lift the veils

to join us for 13 Moons of illuminating and enlightening conversations within

A Mentorship Container Like No Other.


Doula Thrive was beautiful and powerful.

It was an initiation into what it really means,

deep in one’s bones, to be a doula

and hold space for the miracle of new life.

Thank you for this rich opportunity full of self-discovery and professional growth.”

— Rosalie

Where Will The Doula Path Lead You?

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Take The Leap

You’ve observed the call stirring in your heart, but it hasn’t felt right until now.

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Be Witnessed & Honored

Your desire for ritual, community, and togetherness runs deep.

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Experience Self Initiation

Taking this step forward in your life, can feel both familiar & surreal.

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Receive Accountability

Access to mentors and accountability weaves your future golden.

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Cross The Threshold

You’re ready to honor the depth of your wisdom and passion, consciously.

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Nourish The Heart

Practical & esoteric teachings soothe your body, mind, heart, and soul.

“There are truly no words that can describe the power, beauty, and wisdom of this sisterhood and mentorship. The sacred and safe container provided invites ancient soul remembrances. Doula Thrive feels like family.”

– Lacey