Spiral 3

A Mentorship Container Like No Other.

Join our global circle of doulas, seasoned birthkeepers, & healers remembering primal, sacred, & ancient teachings.

For 13 Moons, Spiral 3 weaves: heart opening Master Classes, Mysticism, and Mentorship, in service to lifelong transformation.

Together we will explore your deepest inquiries & living questions in relation to creation alongside the expansion of your intuitive gifts and professional offerings.

Feature topics & themes that stir the imagination, lift the veils, & guide us beyond the boundary of time/space.


Holding space when the memory of death arrives as an overlay.

Mapping out the matriarchal role & significance of lineage.

Communing with spirit & aligning with creation’s design.

Navigating signs, symbols, & synchronicities in the birth space.

Each 13 Moon Cycle Begins With An Intimate Virtual Immersion.

Together we’ll explore, heal, and connect as we co-create a strong foundation for our Program’s start and the year ahead. Through “The Way of Council” we’ll adventure, learn, and grow Thursday, March 20th through Sunday, March 23rd. Following this powerful initiation, we’ll begin to unlock all of the juicy content prepared as we deepen into sisterhood and divine grace.

Spiral 3 Also Includes:

  • 4 Master Classes. Created to assist you in activating and expanding your intuitive gifts & professional offerings.
 ($2,000 Value)

  • 5, 60-Minute 1:1 Integration Sessions. Scheduled throughout the year with our Lead Facilitators.
 ($1,750 Value)

  • 10 Monthly Small Group Mentorship Sessions. Held the 2nd Tuesday of the month (April - February *Excluding September), these Sessions offer you the opportunity to engage and reflect intimately with our Lead Facilitators. Four of these Sessions are shared with Spiral 2 students. All calls are recorded & archived for your continued viewing and integration.
 ($3,500 Value)

  • 10 Monthly Group Exploration Calls. Held the 4th Sunday of the month (April - February *Excluding September), these Calls are designed to inspire and guide you as you traverse your unique Doula Path. All calls are recorded & archived for your continued viewing and integration. 
($3,500 Value)

  • 1 Ceremonial Offering. The midway point of our journey is celebrated with a Ceremonial Offering featuring special guests.

  • Access To Our 11 Spiral 1 Modules & Dual Certification Pathway Can Be Made Available To All Spiral 3 Students Who Meet Our Prerequisites For An Additional Fee (Learn more on our FAQ page).

Coming Full Circle…

We’ll discover, honor, & celebrate all of the breakthroughs & experiences being integrated with another profound Virtual Immersion in March 2026. Exact dates are announced 6 months in advance.

+ BONUS #1: A 2-Hour Group Orientation Call.

+ BONUS #2: Access To Our Private FB Page.

While many choose to embrace the full Doula Thrive Journey

Spiral 3 is open to Returning Students & Seasoned Doulas & Birthkeepers who meet our Prerequisites & Requirements.

Spiral 3 Is For You If:

You can say yes to ONE of the following:

  • You’ve Received Your Doula Thrive Spiral 1 & 2 Certificates Of Completion

  • You’ve Completed Another Doula Training/Certification

  • You’re A Registered Nurse, Student/Licensed Midwife, &/or Other Credentialed Childbirth Professional


You can say yes to ALL of the following:

  • You’ve Personally Supported 25+ Families (Through Birth &/or Postpartum)

  • You’re Currently Working With Families

  • You Are Committed To Working With Families Throughout This 13 Moon Mentorship